watch impenetrable

It’s finally here!!!

Go watch our film! Share it with your friends! Watch it with your grandma and see what she thinks! Review it on Letterboxd if ya feel like! (Thanks for the friends who already reviewed it!)

And from the bottom of my heart, thank you all SO MUCH for joining us on this ride. I wish I knew how to really express my gratitude for all of the support throughout this process. But I hope you all can truly feel it.

There’s more to this story! Maybe we’ll see more of Jules and her trusty dilator friend (& more puppets) in the future!



IMPENETRABLE has won a Silver SpIFFy for Best NW Short Film!

Thank you Spokane International Film Festival, we’re so grateful for this recognition!

Check out who else won.

A dark comedy about women’s health

“Jules has a big goal for her birthday and an even bigger obstacle to overcome: herself.”

Written & Directed by Geena Pietromonaco

Produced by Offbeat FIlms


Dilator… Jess Clement & Geena Pietromonaco

Jules… Geena Pietromonaco

Marge… Annie Barry

Dale… Matt Vergara

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